cyhoeddwn explained
What is cyhoeddwn?
cyhoeddwn (kəhɔɨðʊn) is a web application used to manage content that can be displayed on connected nodes. A node is any device which can display content from the web in any modern web browser. cyhoeddwn is designed to be used in rural settings, but in practice could be used wherever required.
How do I use cyhoeddwn?
You (as a community) post content to your local instance of cyhoeddwn. Your fellow community members will approve (or reject) your post based on community guidelines and standards. Your content will appear on both the content management system (the web app) and on displays around your community. You can also host a display, should you want, in your business or place where community members will gather. You can also contribute to writing community guidelines and standards, and suggest new features for the system.
What content can I display on cyhoeddwn?
The exact requirements for posts are long and may change, but a succinct summary is: text or text and an image.
Why does cyhoeddwn exist?
cyhoeddwn is kept in active development by Genevieve Clifford. cyhoeddwn was created to fulfil part of the requirements of completing an MSc in Computer Science at Swansea University. This software and associated documentation forms part of the master’s dissertation for this course (Designing Rural Pervasive Display Networks for Distributed and Democratic Governance) which was supervised by Stuart Nicholson.
This project builds on the previous study undertaken both by Taylor et al. and Nicholson et al., Taylor et al. bring the champion model to their networked display, Nicholson et al. seek to build further community engagement which ultimately became the champion model with time. In cyhoeddwn, it is hoped to reduce administrative burden of running the system, and to build a community-owned and community-built resource.